
  • EVCU - Electric Vehicle Containment Unit

EVCU - Electric Vehicle Containment Unit

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The growth of Electric Vehicles (EV’s) globally cannot be ignored but the subsequent side effect of this rise is the impact on emergency responders and other agencies being able to effectively deal with EV incidents once they occur. 

Emergency responders globally are now struggling with the rise in numbers of EV incidents due to the complex effects of Lithium-Ion batteries either on fire or due to the potential for thermal runaway. This is why Fire Containers Ltd has been established – To help emergency responders and other agencies in dealing with EV incidents following fire or vehicle collisions.

The global growth of Electric Vehicles
Almost 14 million new electric cars were registered globally in 2023, bringing their total number on the roads to 40 million.
Electric cars accounted for around 18% of all cars sold in 2023, up from 14% in 2022 and only 2% 5 years earlier, in 2018. These trends indicate that growth remains robust as electric car markets mature. 
It is predicted that EV sales will be between 62% and 86% of total sales globally by 2030

The Electric Vehicle Containment Units (EVCU) can assist multiple organisations including the Emergency services, Recovery operators, Vehicle manufacturers, Insurance companies, Waste management organisations, Recycling centres, Highways agencies and global logistical chains to name a few.

Fire Containers Ltd have designed and developed the world’s first patent protected Electric Vehicle Containment Unit (EVCU) with a built-in water supply which recirculates water for continual cooling and fire suppression even during transit.

The main difference between the EVCU and other solutions is this is not a submersion unit as major vehicle manufacturers state their batteries should NOT be submerged in water as this can initiate or accelerate thermal runaway. In addition, submersion tactics creates huge amounts of contaminated water. The EVCU utilises the principal of water turning to steam (expansion ratio) to suppress fire development around the vehicle or to continually cool battery compartments to help prevent thermal runaway from developing within the battery compartment.

The benefits of the EVCU are as follows: 

•  Quickly removing vehicles from scene preventing long attendance times of fire service and other agencies personnel.
•  Reopens roadways quickly assisting the Police and Highways departments.
•  Fully contains contaminated water to limit environmental impact. Easily emptied into containers for disposal.
•  Allowing continual cooling off Lithium battery packs whilst in transit ‘without’ submersion of the vehicle.
•  Provides effective fire suppression in the event of a fully developed vehicle fire.
•  Smoke and heat detection systems to automatically activate onboard sprinkler systems with audible alarm.
•  1800 litres of onboard water with recirculating system for continued fire suppression and cooling.
•  Header tank to add additional water safely if required.
•  Powerful 12000lb winching system to move vehicles into the container.
•  The EVCU will accommodate cars and up to large vans.
•  6 Marine grade pumps to supply sprinkler bars and recirculation systems.
•  Open topped to prevent the build-up of flammable gases which could lead to catastrophic explosion.
•  Fully automatic and manual controls of all onboard systems.
•  Can be used as a mobile recovery solution or static storage system.
•  EVCU design can be produced to be carried on a variety of vehicles.
•  Available with Telemetry systems to notify of activations whilst in storage.