Definition: “the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom”(Google Dictionary, 2018)
For the team at FRSA our vision means so much more than any statement can effectively illustrate.
Our vision is our purpose, our why and our reason for being.
FRSA was incorporated in 2004, with a Vision to create a company that made a real difference to emergency services
- To become a company dedicated to supporting people at a level they required, but were not receiving.?
- To become a company people could depend upon at “Anytime - Anywhere”and would always support their products with exceptional levels of service.
“Sometimes it’s what you don’t do, that makes you better at what you choose to do”
With this firmly in mind, we at FRSA have never wavered from our vision and our goal to be a true partner to emergency services.
“Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination”
We constantly reflect on our journey over the years and there is no doubt our staff, supply partners and our customers have been invaluable in educating us along the way, to help make us better at what we do.
Our commitment to you, is to always strive for excellence in everything we do and continually improve our business, so our level of service can evolve with your needs.
"To be an integrated partner of those who engage in emergency response across the Asia Pacific region"